August 11, 2018

Cornish Rex Temperament

The Cornish rex is an incredibly curious, bright, high-energy breed. Emphases on the high-energy.

"Cornish rexes may be seen as the border collies of the cat world," Bonk says. "They're always on the move and do better if they have a job to do. While they really enjoy playing with you, interactive toys, such as battery-operated mice, puzzle toys, or maze toys, can help keep them entertained when you can't play with them."

True explorers, the Cornish rex will find her way up into places you previously thought to be inaccessible, like the top of your kitchen cabinets. Cat-proofing your home is going to be a necessity to keep the rex out of places you don't want her to go.

Cornish Rex Temperament

And when your little explorer isn't scaling door frames or wiggling her way into slightly ajar drawers, she's probably following you from room to room.

"The Cornish rex is a very social cat," Bonk says. "They love being around others. However, they are also loyal to their family and may not immediately take to strangers, but don't expect them to give a new person the cold shoulder for long."

They love to interact with people in every way imaginable, Bonk says, including "talking" to them. And while they're not as chatty as the Siamese, the Cornish rex will definitely let you know what they're thinking—or when their food bowl is empty.

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It is our promise to put your cornish rex kittens welfare as our top priority. That is why we have 24 hour on-site team members to care for your kitten every day. We are committed to ensuring your new Cornish rex kitten is healthy and ready to join your family.